Life or something like it
A commentary on i see it...
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Monday, September 25, 2006
Blogs of repute- Recommended blogs
These r blogs that have wowed me....till i fig out how to get the links on my page ive added em as a post...
-> P.S Check out the mal rap!
Ever since my bf n i decided to take a break from r relationship i have gained 8 kilos i had earlier i went to mtv for shoppin n saw the most darlin pair of 3/4ths n tshirt which i can fit into now...but i want to look good in two targets:
1)Lose 8 kilos in the next one month
2) i hav my exams in nov end-beginin of dec for which i want to score top marks
to achieve these i have set the date as nov 20 i.e two then i shudve achieved my targets...n order to do so i have to lose my social life too....
so no more:
1) eatin out
2) oily food
3) no orkut..aaah!n chatting ony for mails!n for blogging.
im goin on a revamp disciplinary till 20th tah-tah dahlings!
Sunday, September 24, 2006
This isn goodbye....

wat is it bout sayin goodbye that makes a person feel sad?y wud sayin goodbye to people ive known jus for three months affect me at all?n then i realised its cos ive spent so much time wit them, had spl moments with them n the biggest factor bein i have been closer to seniors than my classmates!always felt they understood me better n were more mature....
so here r some honorable mentions (these r ppl i hav interacted wit):
nylon:my first n true friend in coll..we scream at each other, treat each other like dirt,esp wen v r moody...yet..v understand each other....v discuss r gf-bf...hmm used to, atleast... bindas guy n walkin-talkin travel guide n map of bamgalore....
dude ull make it, jus give it some time.....
avi:very sweet n talented...a chatri smile that can say a lot if u read it rite!lol....supposedly never takes sides wen im fightin wit nylon...
vic a.ka gyan guru: one half of the cutest couple....hey i still remem u called me psycho lol...wil come to u for advice agony unc!
kavi:my soul mate n evil twin lol....shes the better twin:talented, smart n beauitful.(n don u dare try n sub this!)
ms.worry-a-lot berry: the most hardworkin person....sweet n approachable...
sam:my blog buddy!absolute sweetheart....
ms.pose-a-lot:fun to talk to.....n share memories of coll....
mr.noodles n mr coke: the gemini twins! argiun wit mr.noodles n takin each others trip....gets loud wen he knos he cant win!is the walkin food n amenities guide of spoken jus twice i guess but seems sweet....
ms.violet hair: rockin attitude, absolutely rocks!
ms.pierced eyebrow:creative, rockin attitude!cool person to talk to.....
As u can i hate mentioning names in my blog, but ive mentioned alternative names or names based on a characteristic......
even tho v'all promised v'd keep in touch, experience shows things don work out that way.....
so this my memory tracer dedicated to y'all.....
Friday, September 22, 2006
Get off my lane!
get off my friggin lane!!if u c me zip past - u r friggin SLOW.Get it??sheesh i hate people who think they own the road n drive on the right lane wen they shud jus move to the left n let the others get on wit their friggin lives!egs auto drivers n cyclists n huge buses....
well wat triggered this?i had an accident today when a friggin old man is thinkin - do i jump the signal?na...its i shud...nope i wont....n wen he suddenly decides this he brakes hard while i saw the empty stretched n accelerated....i barely missed hittin the boot of the car head on....tho i did hit the rear right corner of the car....
i was so mad wen i got off the bike the guy thot id hit him up....cos i was wearin all black (my black 4/5ths which deserve an honorable mention cos i look like a painter cos its neither a capri nor is it 3/4ths....i hav my own weird styles!) n he immediately decided i was one of the freemasons lol.n the funniest thing is this guy pretends like nothing happened!!n im like givin him looks that cud not only kill but wud cremate him as well!!lol...
so ppl get off my friggin lane cos this highway star a.k.a thamburatti is hittin ring road at 70 kmph n if u aint fast enuf, get outta my way...
Sunday, September 17, 2006
what if.....
what if he knew he wasn my first choice?what if he knew he wasn tghe one i was head over heels about?she glanced sideways to the man sitting next to her.the one she married.
meetin al today was like a blast from the past.shed forgotten how cute he hed made her feel inside.she still remembered when hed first declared his love....they wer chattin on yahoo msngr and wer in the midst of one of their arguements on random things...
she was so frustrated she had typed....
'u frustrating boorish pig'
'u imaature infantile childish uncaring selfish arrogant....'
before she cud finish, something stopped her in the midst of her volley of abuse...that made her go 'what'?
he had typed:
'i love you'
'I LOVE YOU...i thot u cud comprehend what id typed....'
she was at loss for words....
today seeing him brot the sweet n the bitter memories back.....things hed said....things they done...
their love was....exciting...racy...kept her on the toes while now things are comfortable...steady...wit al everything was unpredictable but now things are stable.....
it was so easy to pick up the thread wit easy understand why she had fallen in love with him...why they had beeen crazy in love..they understood each other...yet they weren so similar that the magic of their relationship was lost..they had to fig each other out.....
suzannah was crying in the back and timothy was playing with his car next to her...she had so much now...she had her love whom she loved....who gave her the sense of safety she desired...who was so underfstainding in the true sense....who understood her needs...shed never seen him comin...he was always ther...n finallyit had ended up bein something that had lasted...
she looked at her husband and wondered wether he knew she was smiling at something her ex-boyfriend had said...she looked at her kids and then looked at her husband and smiled....
Thursday, September 14, 2006
short story 2
'where are you?you were supposed to be here ten mins back'.....and then she cudnt wait for him to reply she said- 'i broke up wit wont work.we are too insecure.cant take the jealousy....'she cud hear the indecisiom on a suitable reply.she ended the call.
She waited for him in class.she kept turning around and checkin to see wether hed come.
when he finally did she did not notice as she was busy with doodling to take her mind off things....
'hey beautiful'he msgd.she smiled and turned around.she spotted him and gave him a look of mock disbelief that said - beautiful?really?
'hey ther handsome :)' she replied
'how u doin' was his next msg
'not too good' she replied
the next msg was a much needed surprise....
'Hold on little girl
Show me what he's done to you
Stand up little girl
A broken heart can't be that bad'
she smiled....her phone vibrated again...another msg....
When it's through, it's through
Fate will twist the both of you
So come on baby come on over
Let me be the one to show you'
and then another msg....
'I'm the one who wants to be with you
Deep inside I hope you feel it too
Waited on a line of greens and blues
Just to be the next to be with you'
and jus as she was bout to reply.....
'Why be alone when we can be together baby
You can make my life worthwhile
And I can make you start to smile....'
She turned around and gave him a huge smile....of gratefulness...of sudden happiness...of bein able to smile wen ther seemed no reason to...wen she was so close to tears...
They sat at the rec room...she was sittin next to him and told him wat had happened...she stopped...she looked at him...they jus sat ther....he was consoling her....
and he rubbed her neck cos it hurt so bad...the physical pain intensifying the emotional pain...or vice-versa...she felt good...and then he asked her...what hed waited to ask her...wait she waited to hear...wat she needed to hear....
they sat that way for half an hour...hugging each other...she felt content...she felt happy...she didn think of anything more..she didn want to....
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
The Daily show and Jon stewart
Awesome show....absolutely awesome.Love the humour...the dry wit....the packaging..the "correspondents".....
The daily show with Jon stewart is something i love watching....its like watching seinfeld but more news and current affairs savvy...its the show for the yuppies....the intellectuals who also hav a wacky and witty and fun-loving side to them....i l0ve reading the transcripts wen i cant catch the show because its aired in the night here in India on CNN .....
An honourable mention is this website i found apart from the official website:
Wat is remarkable bout this site is the trouble taken to make a section on transcripts and quotes....which is the section i like.....
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Wanted: A prospective Boyfriend
I was goin thru classified yesterday esp the matrimonial ones (don ask y!)n found them so decided to make my
Wanted boyfriend wit foll qualifications:
Ht: 6 ft (negotiable)
Qualification: IIT-IIM graduate pref IIMB (Happy,nylon??)
Engg wit IIM also welcome
should be:
preferably malyalee but others welcome too
(P.S- absolutely hillarious!!btw i think ive found someone like that but not sure whether he loves fact i think v positively hate each other....)
Friday, September 01, 2006
Mothers n daughters
Go to any of the happenin shopping places in b'lore..n wat do u c? ill tell ya...u c mother-daughter pairs with uncanny resemblance...even if they dont resemble each other u do kno they r a mother-daughter pair...well this seems a recent phenomenon wher mothers n daughters go out for shopping together...i kno i do most of my some cases the replacement of the mother is the older sis...(i do my electronics shopping wit my bro). sometimes i think ther r more mother n daughter pairs thn couples!(yes v bangalorean girls r "homely girls",
even if i do shop wit my frnds i invariably window shop (unless im very impulsive) n then take my mum n buy wat i this serves many purposes:
a) mum can bargain
b) shes buyin lunch
c) u can stretch the budget wen shes around
d) there is a better chance of not gettin ripped off
e) in certain cases she is the one setting down the rules as well take her with u as the rule book
in my case i go out wit my mum for the first four reasons n the fact tht my mums "cool"...she is young at heart...n well i get wat i want wen im wit her :)
but don forget next time wen u go to commercial street n brigade road...instead of droolin at somebody elses guy/gal, count the no. of mother-daughter pairs...the results cud b amusing...of course if u stare at them for too long the results wud b even more amusing!