Don't Stop Me...I Believe in Me

At the height of this feeling of freedom of sorts theres this ad jingle that comes to mind - the femina ad.
It goes :I know nothing can stop me from trying, breaking the chains and flying. Don't stop me. I believe in me.
I have been singin this jingle past few days and now it all makes sense to me. Not that it doesn echo my life already but now its more like an anthem for me. I hav replaced the anthems like irreplacable in my head to this jingle to keep me going....
Janna Ganna Manna, Athu.......aaaaaah ok, sing out the rest urself, lol.
Aaaah getting motivational voices from advertisements? Falling into the media mainstream huh? Goin along with the flow?
hmm not exactly...
come online n ill crib my heart out!!;o;
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