What i know for sure

I was jus feelin so blue n frustrated bcos i kno i shud b studyin but i jus couldnt concentrate. So i picked up an old issue of good housekeeping and started reading an article by oprah winfrey.
One thing bout me is that im quick to suspicion. I dont easily trust people or consider them my hero that easy.But oprah is one person i admire for her entrpreneurial skills and her strength.In an age where its scary cos v don seem to hav idols Oprah i think is my idol.
She spoke bout this philosophy of doin unto others wat u want others to do unto you. And im not sure how far i can follow that advice but i have been quick to learn from life bout fate and other karmic principles. I dont know whether there is justice in this world but on a personal level karma does come to bite you in your ass. I have always let my conscience be my guide never mind it hasnt really helped. So is my idea of sticking to my ideals really worth it? I keep thinkin i shouldn stick to my ideals cos it ain helping but try as i mite i cant seem to not stick to em.
One thing this article taught me was that i dont need a man to make my life better. I realised i had changed from wat i was - a total independent person free from torment that a bad relationship brings to one to a person who had been hurt for the nth time and was still waitin for someone to save her wen all she had to was look into her life to see the strength she had.Maybe i had somewhere, somehow got so jaded that i felt i was too much for myself to handle. I have over this one year done things i had promised myself id never do, behaved in ways id told myself i wudn ever behave....
Know what, I might be accused of being a feminist, but guess wat im gonna break free from old habits..old needs...
1.Im gonna love myself before i love anybody else
2.i dont need a man to make me feel special, i dont need anybody to make me feel anything - bad,good,ugly,beautiful......
3.new goals,new hobbies
and heres the shocker hee hee...maybe al was rite...i jus love the idea of fallin in love i can ever really fall in love with anybody...im not in love with a guy i like..im jus in love wit the idea of bein in love...
Man wen did i get so girly??
The truth shall set you free
Young girl don’t cry
I’ll be right here when your world starts to fall
Young girl it’s alright
Your tears will dry, you’ll soon be free to fly
When you’re safe inside your room you tend to dream
Of a place where nothing’s harder than it seems
No one ever wants or bothers to explain
Of the heartache life can bring and what it means
When there’s no one else, look inside yourself
Like your oldest friend just trust the voice within
Then you’ll find the strength that will guide your way
You’ll learn to begin to trust the voice within
Young girl don’t hide
You’ll never change if you just run away
Young girl just hold tight
Soon you’re gonna see your brighter day
Now in a world where innocence is quickly claimed
It’s so hard to stand your ground when you’re so afraid
No one reaches out a hand for you to hold
When you look outside look inside to your soul
finally realization has dawned :) Young girl dnt cry, you will survive
hee hee...thanx da...
i finally believe in myself
contradicting thoughts !! u love the idea of being in love without fallin in love..n u dont need a man tht means...hehehe...u r up for a grillin session babe...catch u soon...
ok ok, this is my kinda article, loaded with stuff to prick you about?
BTW, I am always right, so thus no need to keep act suprised when I am, :D
Oh Oh Oh, look that, Sushamaachi lookin up to Oprah. Do pple come to ur house and jump on sofas?
I can just see it now, Sushamaachiii dancing in the middle of the street in Banglore to "Soul Sista, Soul Sista" or "i don't think ur ready for this jelly, I don't think ur ready for this jelly, I'm too bootylicious for u", lol
Walking around blasting the Britney Spears song "I'm not a girrrrll, not yet a womaaaaan, la lal laaaa" :D
Its good that u believe in urself atleast now. Or so u say, :D
that was neat....reminded me of this - http://www.poemhunter.com/poem/phenomenal-woman/
I guess there is a sub-tribe of the race "Capri" that runs around in luv with luv! ;-)
ancientmariner!!oooof...men!!*rolls eyes*
eda somehow in all that crap u left as a comment i got wat u r gettin at!
yes i do believe in me...feel empowered n emancipated tyvm!
*drama*i rue the day that i said u were rite....
>ganja turtle
we r mainstream dude, no sub-tribe dude :)
v r wat is called an intelligent urban capri woman :)
oh btw the sub-tribe is ok if theres reservation!!damn it my jokes r gettin worse...
>ganja turtle
awesome!thats an awesome poem...
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