Saturday, August 26, 2006

love letter

My love,
All i c when i close my eyes is u.i c u in my dreams.i keep wishing u wer here.u r everywher to me.....whenever i c a happy couple the emptiness is more profound.i cannot forget the first time we u smiled...sitting behind u on ur bike while u tried to pretend you were the greatest rider ever : )
oh sweetheart do u think of me?i look at ur picture n smile...n wen im down all i need is one word from u n im smilin thru the day....u make me smile...u kno me inside out the way i kno dreaming in classes n think of wat ud said the previous day....n replay it in my mind...u r so patient n understanding...listening to me crib....flirting like v wer teenagers n in love for the first time....i love the magic n the sparks we share...
i wake up with a smile....n in anticipation of talking to u....cos wen v do the roof mite fall onme n i wudn kno...or care...bcos its such moments tht matter to me n cherish....
take care darling....

forever yours
wow tht ws the toughest thing todo-- writin a loveletter!i now hav newfound respect for the hell do they manage writin loveletters....i cant...maybe im not emotional enuf to write one...i kept lafin while writin it....i think i prefer humour...its easier...
ok in reality the first time i met the only guy i felt anything remotely close to possible attraction he was busy attacking a sandwich.n he tried running over a dog in his attempt to be the cool biker
this piece was a real struggle....


Blogger The Avenger !!! said...

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11:12 PM  
Blogger The Avenger !!! said...

well you have done a mighty good job of flooring some one with your sentiments.

if this is the case when humour is your predilection, I wonder how panache your romance would be :)

On the whole a pretty heart felt letter i guess !!!

11:13 PM  
Blogger The Avenger !!! said...

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11:16 PM  
Blogger Enigma said...

:P so who is he?

11:28 PM  
Blogger sush said...

>the avenger
its really hard to express emotions but sometimes love overcomes must awkward fears....

8:03 PM  
Blogger sush said...

>the avenger
lol hope he is floored!

8:04 PM  

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