i love you

Dostet Darum (farsi)
For you a thousand times over....
These r the lines in the book that has made me think about relationships....
friendships,relationships with parents and children,between a couple....even the relationship between strangers....sometimes u r the mosr grateful for a strangers presence when in trouble....
when does a relationship between strangers mutate to become a relationship of two acquaintances and then finally a friendship?
Trust me you find friends in the strangest places and in the strangest ways.....
well yes thts quite true i mst say. btw how many friends did you find at the "strangest" of place and in the "strangest" of way's ??
My question is, what were you doing at these "STRANGE" places !!! :)
>the avenger
you hav no idea!n in unexpected ways n places!!
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