Saturday, October 14, 2006


Regret and guilt are worms that eat at the core of an leaves the outside relatively intact....
Regret makes you wanna change your whole life...makes you wish you hadn done wat you did...starts a whole blame game with the self...and the ego defense mechanism and rationalisation by the use of a 'sour grapes' attitude doesnt help....
guilt is a step worse...bcos guilt is due to an act of commission while regret is due to an act of ommission....

wat are my regrets?
>that i didn take up engineering or IT.

why is that my biggest regret?
bcos things would hav fallen into place if i had.
i wouldn b facin uncertainty this way
could hav achieved more

bein foolish and a rebel without forethought i took up goals demand more than an arts degree..naive as i was i thought that the world is flat and i could reach the same goals even with an arts degree....
I stand corrected.


Blogger The Avenger !!! said...

Aah corrected is it ?? btw whats the correction ? Do let us mere mortals know.

For your kind info I am not an "ENGINEER" but I hold a Master's in Engg hahaha. How ridiculous can it get isnt it.

A "BA" ( Bachelors in the right Attitude & Aptitude) should do the trick i guess !!!

Unfortunately its not taught but can be easily learned !!!

9:47 PM  
Blogger sush said...

a BA holds no value in this country....

12:10 PM  

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