The Importance Of Being Mal

We Mals a.k.a malyalees are a clanish group. We are the hippest people in town n know how to get down n more ways than one.
The men are characterised by acute MCP behaviour n extraordinary amounts of testosterone.The women are feminists and fighters thru n thru.
We mal women are accused of being control freaks...(jus an fyi)
Mals are known for their activist behavior.quite a no. of NGO workers and activists are mal.And thats the good side.
The bad side - we hav progressed too far too soon. We are known by the most morally corrupt behaviour, esp among men.Egs - no of affairs among married couples and the general behaviour of Mal men.One mal is always another mals worst enemy.a mal is a best friend and the worst enemy to another.
But kno wats great bout bein mal, apart from our ability to take over the world and give the marwaris a run for their money?
We mals hav an air of our own (atleast the ones who are outside kerala). When we walk in, the world takes notice.We are among the top movers and shakers. Some of us mite just be the ones in the background but we r definitely in a position where things would fall apart if we weren doin our job.
and thats y if u tell people u r a mal, they go - oh u r a mal? vr viewed with jealousy...and to a certain extent also by wariness....
- Thamburatti
true true to a high extent. Now if you would stop highlighting the testosterone part I would tend to agree to all of them !!!
the truth is bitter but mal men do hav extraordinarily high amounts of testosterone....they r like that skunk - pepe la pew!!lol...but trust me the extra testosterone doesn make em uber male...jus very desperate!
@ sush / -
Evaluating everyone with the same yard stick aint right.
I appreciate the ENORMOUS amount of time and energy you spent in finding out the high testosterone levels present in mal men.
As for the latter part of the reply, my stand is made clear by my first statement!!!
i didn hav to use any yardstick theyre all made from the same mould.
i didn hav to do any research its an expressed behaviour.
would beg to differ on certain points ( my point of view):
- Mallus cannot give marwaris a run for their money..we lack tht bit of shwredness required to run a business...
- if ppl get to know tht I am a mallu, they are like...ohh mallu...u hv someone in gelf...n a whole load of stupid n zimble jokes...yet to come across someone who is actually jealous...( to my advantage, unless I reveal it to them, no one can label me a mallu..;))
- we bloat in our own glory,anyone remotely remotely connected to malluland is heralded as the pride of kerala...
nevertheless.... I love the food n the culture....the pootos n appams...the kadala curries n aviyals..the munna poo pavada clad ladies when they go to the temple early morning....n slew of other things
senti huh??
btw thats puttu...hmm don ever say it that way in kerala ull get teased like i do,don ask!
hmmm yeah but i was lookin at a generalised view of wat mals esp outside kerala r like...
yea its bad..:-(..u wrote this for mallus outside kerala..!!!..common we r a refined lot....we dont pretend to be mallus unless we come across someone fm our community then its ding-ding-ding-ding all the frnds say i m a disgrace to the mallu community since i dont hv tht ringin tone when i speak mall.....daaamnnnn....:D...
lol same quite a fake mal!!
besides we hav this nasty thing goin on wen one mal meets another - tryin to find a link!eventually all mals r somehow related!!oh yeah he/she's my unc cousins wifes bros daughters husbands somebody!!lol
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