White Roses

Today i threw away a bouquet of beautiful rotten white roses. I call them beautiful cos they were beautiful before they went rotten. I had stored them in my bike bcos i did not have the heart to throw them nor could i take em home because a guy friend had indulgently given em to me.
Why cant we women part with 'junk' that easy?Why does everything have a value for us? when i love someone i keep the smallest things as a memory stub. With my boyfriend it was a lot of memories - a shoebox of varied mamories...
Another process that this event triggered off was - has my friendship with this friend turned rotten just like the roses? Is it a sign of some sort, that reflects the state of our friendship? And was I so complacent n so unwilling to accept this that i had selective blindness?
My heart sank when i saw the rotten roses. I had to throw them and i probably wouldn have if it had jus dried out and hadn rotted this way (it was stinking too). I gingerly took them and chucked em in one action....cos some things have to be done like removing a band aid - in one motion....
moving on is the motto of life relationships amke and break but lessons lerant should be remembered
true...but sometimes u wanna hold on cos u r hopeful..hopeful that things wud change...givin the person another chance...
this rose is beautiful
may I use this as part of my project in class?? :)
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