The magic of ordinary days....

i jus watched the movie "The magic of ordinary days"...and i
admit..ther wer a few tears!How does it feel when somebody loves u so much n u cant reciprocate cos u don feel the same way? it has always been surprise wit a bit of fear
n helplessness cos u don kno how to make the person feel better...
What is it bout the concept of a "happy home" n "happy family" that
women secretly yearn for?We would scream n shout in denial of wanting it or of having a secret desire for it....we dont want to accept that we want it...besides its a bit like the "happy meal" concept.It looks good from the outside,you want it but once u have a bite u realise looks r
deceptive...the only thing similar is that the clown is lafin at u in both cases..
The magic of ordinary days r essentially in r minds....we women r quite the escapists...which wud explain the demand for romantic books still present in this day n age of instant gratification...we want ordinary days...we want ordinary days of roses presented by r husbands/boyfriends when v least expect it, ordinary days of a surprise romantic picnic....n later a family picnic...ordinary days that border on montony bcos thts wen u think n hope that life doesn change...n sometimes ordinary days that make u wish u cud stay this way forever n not hav to get up n leave for work tomorrow...
of course for a single woman this is like a mirage when u r looks good but its not real.
We single women wander in the desert of life...lookin for the oasis...ther r the mirages n the real thing...some r lucky n end up wit the real thing but some others...well end up wit a mirage...
I agree with this...been there...:)
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